The 3 Experts You Need to Have on Your Marketing Team

Digital marketing is a job best done by experts. To get noticed online, you need to do more than post ads and hope your target audience sees them. With so many different channels, platforms, strategies, and techniques available, it isn’t easy for one person to master digital marketing. Therefore, if you want to see results you can’t rely on one person to tackle every piece of your plan.

A complete marketing department is comprised of various experts. From the SEO specialist to the social media guru, each member of your team should be able to focus on the tasks they do best. When each piece of your marketing plan is functioning at full force, it will elevate your entire marketing strategy, and you should start seeing improved results.

Let’s take a look at the three marketing experts you’ll want for your team!


Key Takeaways:

  1. Retaining experts in SEO, content, social media, and PPC can improve your marketing efforts.
  2. These experts can help your marketing strategy attract better leads and convince them to become clients.
  3. A complete marketing team lets you focus on what you do best, while ensuring everything is done correctly.

1. The SEO Expert

Search Engine Optimization can be one of the most difficult strategies for a non-expert to grasp. Because search engines look for many different factors when considering who to place at the top of their rankings, you need to know all the current recommendations about keyword placement, link building, and page optimization. For a business owner trying to juggle a million different jobs, there just isn’t the time to create a proper SEO strategy. This is where having an SEO expert on your team can come in handy.

An SEO expert does more than just research a few keywords and place them on your website. They look for small changes and tweaks that can bring new results, and they consistently make adjustments to the original plan. While this can be an overwhelming task for a business owner or even a traditional marketer, an SEO expert is prepared to keep up with the ever-changing search engine algorithms. 

Many companies choose to outsource their SEO tasks rather than hire an in-house expert. Using an external SEO expert enables you to get high-quality and consistent strategy at a cheaper price. When hiring an independent contractor or working with another company, you don’t need to worry about paying someone’s salary or providing benefits. You get all the SEO benefits without the extra costwhat’s not to love?

The B2B Growth Blueprint

The B2B Growth Blueprint

2. The Content Expert

In the marketing world, content is king. When most aspects of your marketing strategy revolve around the content you create, you can’t afford to slap a few blogs together and call it a strategy. Blog posts and videos that aren’t well thought-out, researched, and presented won’t attract high-quality leads, making them a waste of time and money.

Example of a blog post from Hubspot.

A content expert knows how your target audience browses, shops, and absorbs content online. They will take a hard look at the trending topics relevant to your industry, the questions your target audience is asking, and the information they need to go from lead to customer. A practiced content expert will then discover the right ways to turn this information into shareable, interesting, and relevant content, as in the above example from HubspotNot only that, they can use your posts to develop strong and long-lasting relationships with customers and leads. 

While there are many different abilities required in a content team, you want your lead to be an expert in creating a strategy, not necessarily writing, video editing, or graphic design. Instead of focusing on hiring someone who can do a little of everything, bring someone who can see the big picture. You can always outsource the actual content creation to freelancers.

3. The Social Media Expert

Your social media platforms are some of the best tools you have for engaging with audience members, answering questions, and creating lasting impressions. Unfortunately, too many companies see their social media pages as ‘extras’, to be updated only when there is enough time. If comments go unnoticed or timelines are ignored, however, companies can lose fans, followers, and potential customers. Yet as the owner of a business, you probably don’t have time to monitor all that activity.

Example of a social media post from Dropbox.

Having a social media expert as part of your marketing team can help you maintain the consistent posting schedule necessary to attract members of your target audience, and create targeted messaging like the above example from Dropbox. They can help you stay engaged online, answer questions your followers may be asking, and come up with ways to attract new leads. A social media expert can also establish connections between each of your social media platforms, ensuring you use the same voice and style everywhere.

Your social media pages need to be relevant and timely, meaning you ideally want to have an expert in-house who is able to create posts as needed. When hiring a social media expert, you will want to consider their experience in creating, monitoring and advertising on social media. All three are crucial to your marketing strategy.

Bonus: The PPC Expert

When running a pay-per-click campaign, you’re aiming to keep your costs low but your attractions high. Even marketers with years of experience can struggle to establish a PPC campaign that gets results. Between the terminology and the extensive research required, PPC management isn’t a job for just anyone

If you want high conversions, a PPC expert needs to be a staple in your marketing team. For example, they can navigate the depths of a keyword tool to find the vocabulary that will help them create highly-converting ads. They will also know what kind of copy gets the most attention, and how to create a landing page that converts as many leads as possible.

One important thing to look for when hiring a PPC expert is whether or not they understand their role in the sales process. While PPC aims to attract new leads, it is important to consider how those leads are then converted into customers. When hiring a PPC expert, you want a team player willing to strategize with the sales team to find new ways to close a sale. At the same time, PPC can be easily outsourced to a professional, so you don’t need to find a full-time, in-house person to do the job.

The B2B Growth Blueprint

The B2B Growth Blueprint


There are many different pieces that need to come together to create an effective digital marketing plan. If just one part of your marketing is lacking, you may not see the results and sales you hoped for. To keep each aspect of your strategy as strong as possible, it helps to have a team of experts working together but each responsible for their own particular fields.

Let’s recap the four marketing experts you should consider including on your marketing team:

  1. The SEO expert, to help research appropriate keywords and attract more visitors to your site.
  2. The content expert, to conduct topic research and create exciting content.
  3. The social media expert, to make lasting connections with your target audience.
  4. The PPC expert, to create paid advertisement strategies that work.

Which expert will be the first you’ll add to your team? Let us know in the comments section below!

Image Source: Pexels.

Written By Samuel Thimothy

Samuel Thimothy has deep expertise and experience in online marketing, demand generation and sales. He helps businesses develop and execute marketing strategies that will improve their lead generation efforts and drive business growth. He serves as the VP at OneIMS, an inbound marketing agency and co-founded Clickx, the digital marketing intelligence platform that eliminates blind spots for brand marketers and agencies.

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