8 Rules of Minimalist Web Design


Clean and simple are the foundation of any good minimalist design, whether online or elsewhere. People don’t want to read walls of clutter and endless content that go on and on without any breaks, and are much more interested in being visually drawn in through an appealing and sleek design. Here are 8 rules or elements that are necessary to focus on in order to achieve a good minimalist design.

minimalist web design

1. Keep the White Space

In minimalist design it is important to de-clutter. When there isn’t clutter to distract the viewers, then they can truly focus on your content, which is most important.

2.  Design with Purpose in Mind

If it doesn’t serve a purpose then don’t use it. This applies to images, text, video, etc. Every element of your minimalist design should serve some purpose, if it doesn’t then it’s time to get rid of it. And while you want to include enough content to inform and engage readers, you should avoid wordiness whenever possible, and remain clear and concise instead. People will be more likely to turn away from your page if you’re not doing what you can to make it easy to both navigate and understand, with a clear picture laid out for them. 


3. Keep Cutting Until It’s Perfect

The purpose of minimalist design is to keep only the important elements. You should never settle on your first draft. It is important to keep cutting and revising your design until it’s exactly how you want it to be. This includes everything from content to buttons on the bottom of the page. You want to give visitors enough to keep them active while avoiding confusion or frustration. Make sure nothing serves as a mere nuisance to your audience.

4. Put the User First

Your minimalist design should be easy to navigate and functional. Users should be able to find the information and content they need easily and effortlessly. Keep the user in mind when you are creating your design.

5.  Color with Intent

For a minimalist design you want to keep the colors to a minimum. When you do use colors, you should do so with intentions for the user. Whether you want a particular color to create a feeling or emotion within a user or evoke a response be sure that your color choices are intended for some greater purpose. Colors should reflect your brand, of course, which is a good guideline for simplicity considering most brands stick with a scheme that contains no more than two or three colors.

6. Give Content the Spotlight

The purpose of having a minimalist design is so that the content can get the most focus. Don’t drown out your content with elements of your design, give the content the spotlight and be willing to take a back seat with your design. However, you shouldn’t include too much if it doesn’t serve a purpose. Remember that you should write for your audience, not SEO. Keep what’s informative and engaging in, and toss any deadweight that only compromises your website’s integrity.


7. Let Your Typography Tell the Story

Big, bold typography is a staple of minimalist design. Font choice, positioning, color, textures, and other features work together to evoke emotions, brand a company and motivate response. Your typography tells the story of your design, both textually and visually.

8. Be a Risk Taker

These rules are not set in stone, but should guide you on your way as a minimalist designer. Don’t be afraid to take risks with your design. The only way to master anything including minimalist web design is to allow yourself to make mistakes, to find out what works and what doesn’t and in doing so will probably find fun new ways to achieve minimalist web design. 


With these tips incorporated in a minimalist web design strategy, you’ll find that you get the kind of traffic and potential leads that you want, without shooing people away because your website is obnoxiously designed. One of the best ways to get an appealing web design is to turn to experienced experts such as OneIMS to help you with the design and development of your website. With a team of professionals behind your website, you can spend less time focusing on this and spend more on developing your business, making sales, and closing deals. Having a minimalist website design can go a long way in attracting the right leads and leaving visitors consistently impressed with your online representation.

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Written By Solomon Thimothy

Solomon Thimothy is co-founder of OneIMS. He began his career in marketing over ten years ago with a focus on helping businesses grow their online presence and thrive in a digital world. Follow him on twitter at http://twitter.com/sthimothy

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