Marketing Hashtags For Social Media

As a business owner, you already know you should be using social media for your marketing campaigns. You also probably know social media is constantly changing, so you constantly have to change your social media strategy, too.

With so many new features popping up on social media sites, you may feel like you’re drowning in new methods of reaching your Facebook and Twitter-savvy customers. One effective method that doesn’t seem to be changing in the social media game any time soon? The use of hashtags.

How Hashtags Attract Wealthy Customers

By using the right hashtag, you could gain a new follower, “like” or  click-through. You may even reach a new client, and that client could be incredibly valuable to your business. According to Forbes, higher earners are now using social media more than ever, and those users could bring your company bigger business.

That’s why in today’s social media-obsessed society of all ages and earners, you continuously need to use the most effective hashtags in your posts.


Top 10 Marketing #Hashtags

Any word could technically be a hashtag, but which hashtags are best for your company? You want to reach as many potential customers as possible, so you should cater your hashtags to both your products and brand in general.

You can combine an existing hashtag with your personal hashtag. For general marketing hashtags, you can try out any of the following choices that never go out of style:

  1. #HowTo
  2. #B2C
  3. #Trend
  4. #DIY
  5. #Retail
  6. #Follow
  7. #Brand
  8. #Design
  9. #New
  10. #Ecommerce

Of course, you have to be careful to avoid making a catastrophic hashtag mistake, while you’re at it.

Helpful Hashtag Tools

While the above hashtags could be helpful, you probably know that the most popular hashtags are always changing, and you should customize your company’s hashtags to fit your brand. For additional assistance in creating the perfect hashtag for your social media strategy, these sites might help:

  • – Stuck on what hashtags to use after a while? Hashtagify will provide you with endless possibilities.
  • – If you tweet at different times of the day, is perfect for you. This site shows the popularity of a particular hashtag throughout different times of the day.
  • – When you want to see what’s trending in a particular area of the country—or world—Trendsmap can help.

Don’t Forget

Less is more with the hashtags. If #you use a #hashtag for every #word in your #tweet, #readers might get annoyed—see what we mean? Studies show that when a post has more than two hashtags, engagement drops.

If you are talking about important topics that are relevant and worthy of a hashtag, that’s fine. When you use hashtags just for the sake of using them, though, readers will notice. Remember, one quality hashtag is more effective for your B2C marketing campaign than 10 hashtags.
How do you use hashtags in your marketing campaigns?

Written By Solomon Thimothy

Solomon Thimothy is co-founder of OneIMS. He began his career in marketing over ten years ago with a focus on helping businesses grow their online presence and thrive in a digital world. Follow him on twitter at

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