How to Market to Engineers? Helpful Tips on Reaching More Technical Audience

Did you ever catch yourself thinking that it’s extremely difficult to get in front of a technical audience? When it comes to anything a little bit more technical by nature, marketers tend to lose all hope due to a bunch of reasons. People might say that it’s hard to market to this audience because of XYZ, but these are not the roadblocks that won’t let you market. These are the characteristics that make up their buyer persona. Understanding those characteristics should be the basis of your marketing rather than the excuse why you can’t reach them. So if your audience consists of engineers, architects, or manufacturers, this podcast is for you. We talk about some myths and ways to overcome that as marketers in order to get in front of that audience. Enjoy! Thank you for listening! DID YOU ENJOY THIS EPISODE? Head over to iTunes to subscribe, rate, and leave us a review. If you have any questions, send us an email at or visit This series is brought to you by OneIMS - Integrated Marketing Solutions that fuel explosive business growth. ►Subscribe to our channel here: ►Listen to our podcast ►Visit our website here: ►Follow OneIMS online: Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: Twitter:
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